
What's love?

What is LOVE?
They say love is just heartfelt emotion but i swear its so much more, its the way she looks at you, its the way she smiles. while you are pouring your heart out to her. its the way she sighs when shes tired as she stretches towards the stars and starts to get comfortable in bed,laying right beside you. its the way she breathes so steady and calm holding onto your hand. Her soft lips against your skin or the way she kisses your lips. its the way she says your name,Giving you tingles from your chest to your toes. her sweet voice that replays over and over in your had while you sleep. The way she leaves you feeling so powerless and weak on your feet when shes there and broken when she isnt. its the way she runs her finger tips over you or the way she grips onto you tightly.Or is it the way she smells,the smell that you can never forget. the way she does her hair and the clothes she wears the way she makes you laugh and the the way she makes you cry. The way she Makes love to you, or the way she says she Loves you. what is love. this endless feeling, i feel for her.
why does my life seem to be totally out of my control just by having her in my life. who knows the answer to this question but i know love is just so much more.. so if and when you find love never let it go because that love is your life and ur life is that love.

Poet: Rebecca Lipak

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