
Long time coming

Long time coming
said by you as if we were on a path
but to me it was an intersection
I'd prayed, hoped and waited for this
you asked of my new interests
and I could tell you cared
I was awkward and so were you

paths-parallel on some levels
but on different planes as well
struggling to find the niche
which only brings more awkwardness
but I can say
it was good to hear your voice and connect again
to a distant remembering

regurgitated words not yet digested
embarrassing as it may
but its all here on a plate...running over...spilling
but we don't bring our awareness to the table

but I can say...the partial lunch hour we shared on the phone
was nice to converse again
healing time may bring more...or not
and that is fine
at least it was a chance to talk again

Poet: Mark Maxey

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