
Truth is Silence

There’s only one person that you ever meet,
That will truly sweep you up off your feet
With each kiss you float off the ground,
All you feel is how hard your heart does pound
Your heart begins as a normal beat,
Then as soon as you feel their heat
Thump...Thump..Thump. Thumping faster it will
As your face begins to glow
Then your breath is taken away,
No way to catch it, no not this day
Like the air is no longer there
Your drowning and you don’t care
Butterflies fill your stomach
Its all that you can take
Rush of emotions out of control
This is true love, that only you know
Butterflies fill an empty stomach
As your body begins to shake
To the rhythm of their flapping wings
As the guiding angel sings
The rush of completeness surrounds you
At this moment every moment feels so true
The world ceases to exist but you two
And no one can see what you do
One soul shared by two bodies of life
And try as you might,
Nothing can be shut off, its too late
Out of control, just fate.
Knowing that things will be complicated, but just at first
You want to scream it to the world, your about to burst
But no you cant, no at this time
Just waiting for that moment, give us the sign
Yet time is what we do have on our side
For this love grows, as we both are blind
Blind of how it will all come about
As our hearts scream and shout
Cant we just let this love grow in leaps and bounds
As the way when together our heart begins to pounds
But patience in the timing to be just right
Let the love be the guiding light
Hearts pounding faster that can we can see
Lungs emptier than can be
Butterflies flying amously around
Guiding angel singing, yet we don’t make a sound.

Poet: Ryan Diehl

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