Driving down the highway watching the little yellow lines
separate the ground like an earthquake shakes my body..
It doesn't scare me, it calms me.
Driving 150 in a thunderstorm,
white knuckled and smoking.
Hydroplaning feels like wonderment,
and the ditch, so fashionable lately.
I know what I'm leaving behind,
yet I don't know what I'm speeding toward.
The lightning breaks the sky wide open,
right infront of my eyes.
Can I drive right into it?
As the wipers visciously slice into the children of the clouds,
I humm a little tune... And pull over.
The wind tries to throw me away,
like the trash of the planet that never tried hard enough.
I scream into it's body
"You never offered your heart."
It thrashes the fields in anger
as if to tell me something new.
Something that would cause a realization.
The sting of the rain pelting onto my face,
my eyes close to shutting and my clothes wet and cold,
I take few steps further into the ditch.
I think if I were to walk into the middle of this field,
I know I would sink several feet into soft mud.
I lift my foot and slam it into the black thickness that is now my ground,
and I walk out into this space that no one else seems to be in.
I look to the sky and cry like the clouds can,
fall to my knees and join the worms.
They know my pain.
Concerning the forgiveness in my soul,
there is always a spot reserved for you.
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