


I asked God to take away my habit. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary
I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations;it isn't granted, it is learned
I asked God to give me happiness
God said, No.
I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No.
Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares
and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.
You must grow on your own! ,
but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No. I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.

I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.
God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

May God Bless You,
"To the world you might be one person, but to one

person you just might be the world"

"Even the word 'IMPOSSIBLE' says 'I M POSSIBLE' "

By Satya Mehta

Why Me..?

I went to a party Mom,
I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mom,
So I drank soda instead.

I really felt proud inside, Mom,
The way you said I would.
I didn’t drink and drive, Mom,
Even though the others said I should.

I know I did the right thing, Mom,
I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mom,
As everyone is driving out of sight.

As I got into my car, Mom,
I knew I’d get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me,
So responsible and sweet.

I started to drive away, Mom,
But as I pulled out into the road,
The other car didn’t see me, Mom,
And hit me like a load.

As I lay there on the pavement, Mom,
I hear the policeman say,
“The other guy is drunk,” Mom,
And now I’m the one who will pay.

I’m lying here dying, Mom….
I wish you’d get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mom?
My life just burst like a balloon.

There is blood all around me, Mom,
And most of it is mine.
I hear the medic say, Mom,
I’ll die in a short time.

I just wanted to tell you, Mom,
I swear I didn’t drink.
It was the others, Mom.
The others didn’t think.

He was probably at the same party as I.
The only difference is, he drank
And I will die.

It can ruin your whole life.
I’m feeling sharp pains now.
Pains just like a knife.

The guy who hit me is walking, Mom,
And I don’t think it’s fair.
I’m lying here dying
And all he can do is stare.

Tell my brother not to cry, Mom.
Tell Daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven, Mom,
Put “Daddy’s Girl” on my grave.

Someone should have told him, Mom,
Not to drink and drive.
If only they had told him, Mom,
I would still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter, Mom.
I’m becoming very scared.
Please don’t cry for me, Mom.
When I needed you, you were always there.

I have one last question, Mom.
Before I say good bye.
I didn’t drink and drive,
So why am I the one to die?


Lighting Your Way

There are special people that we meet in life who seem to make life's journey a little easier. Those people are like a candle that shows the obstacles in your way so that Life is easier to deal with.

Lighting Your Way
If I was one thing, I'd be a candle
Lighting the way so you can handle
Your life easier without woes
Not having to fight with your foes.
I'd help keep you from stumbling over
Things blocking your path to an open door.
If I light your path, life is easier,
Even strong winds, my light will not deter.
No matter what, I'm here for you
To cheer you up when you are blue.
Do not fret when times get tough,
If things look down or kind of rough.
Just remember, I'm always here,
In your heart, close and near.
I will help you out in every way,
Happiness and love in your heart will stay.
Don't blow me out, that's one request
Unless it's me you do detest.
I do not try to hurt anyone
That isn't good or any fun.
But one day you may leave me behind
You may no longer need my light to shine.
If that day comes, go on your way
And I will hope to see you again one day.
If one day, I don't appear,
Do not worry, do not fear
I may be gone, but in your heart
The light I gave you did not depart.
It will be there forever and a day
To always bring happiness and light your way.
Farewell for now, I'm needed elsewhere
If your path grows dark, in your heart, I'm there.
So I'm really not gone, just not seen,
I would not leave, I'm not that mean.
Only one simple request that I must say,
Please, never forget those who lit your way.


limitless love

by Blecy galang

Feel the soft mattress on your back
Your head on the pillow
Eyes closed, mind closed
With one focus on your mind.
Blood rushing through your lower half
Making your mind scatter to million places
Urging to blow up in explosion
Ssshhhhh...don't say anything...
As I lower myself you feel instant gratification..
Soaking your member with thick fluid
Warm and unexplainable
You slowly open your mouth
For when breathing through your nose is too much
Grabbing my womanly curves to lower me down to your package
You feel like a volcano waiting to erupt.
All you want is friction, grinding, love making!
And off, you release tension and best of all
The limitless love anyone could ever given me.

If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking

If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking

by Emily Dickinson

If I can stop one Heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain
If I can ease one Life the Aching
Or cool one Pain

Or help one fainting Robin
Unto his Nest again
I shall not live in Vain.

I Want You Back

For the last few days
that you have been away
i have some thoughts
that i have to say
you are the one
i love so dear
i pray all night
to sooth the fear
of losing you
befor it starts
i love you so
dont break my heart

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

Last night as I lay sleeping, love,
A vision came to me.
It was of you and I, my love,
A wondrous sight to see.

And in the dream I had, my love,
I reached and touched your face
I clasped your hand in mine, my love,
And felt your warm embrace.

I pressed my lips to yours, my love,
To taste your kiss so sweet
You held me for a minute, love,
In this moment that did fleet.

I wakened from the dream, my love,
With a thought of you that stayed
With me throughout the day, my love,
And never once did fade.

Side by side

Through the good times and the bad
Together we walk side by side
Any problems we have between us
In each other we always confide

We understand each other's feelings
And to each other know what to say
When one of us is feeling down
The other chases their blues away

Any problem one can't handle
The other takes upon their back
We always lean on each other
When things get out of wack

Laughter rings out between us
More often than not
And when we're side by side
Our troubles are soon forgot


Me and you

“I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we're really not that different, me and you.”

Colin Raye

No goodfriends, no bad friends ...

“No good friends, no bad friends; only people you want, need to be with. People who build their houses in your heart”


Is it enough for me?

I am never sure of what to feel
Know that i alove you
But will we ever work?
We seem to haate loving each other,
never trusting what the other one says.

Scared to find fault
but magnifying everthing
Only to find drops of patience
and puddles or love.
Is it maybe not our time to shine in each other's eyes?

I tell you I love you
But do you believe me?
you tell me you can live without me,
Is that the sme thing or even enough?

You cage your feelings that you only show by your actions.
Will that ever hange or will it be enough for me?

I feel at home in your arms...
your smile calming,
and your voice soothing.
But is that enough?

Poet: lucia pearl

Deep inside

Deep inside I know what I feel is true
I’ve fallen deeply in love with you
You have completed me in a way
That I feel that without even your voice I cant live a day
I’ve tried to tell my heart no, stop in your track
But these feelings come rushing back
Like the waves the ocean on the shore
You slam right down, striking me to the core
Your my inspiration, my desire,
No water will outten this fire
No time to question manifest destiny
You were the one put here for me
Its not about sex, its only bout what’s right
Through the dark, you are my light
I pray that I guide you in the same you have for me
And happiness we always can see
No matter the fight, or the difference we may come across
This feeling of trueness will never be loss
Your the candle that guides me through the dark
I didn’t know it, but you had me from the start
One day we will look back at all this
And we will remember that one single kiss
That neither of us could see
That would grow love deep inside you and me

Poet: Ryan Diehl

Don't look back

Theres only one moment that you just know
That theres a change in your blood flow
Cause two hearts beat in unison,
And deep inside you feel you've become one.
The path to follow to this point still unclear,
Out of no where it seamed to appear.
And feelings began to grow in a way
That neither of us knew what to say
Then came the moment that the words were heard
And the feeling of just content were cured
We could just look in each others eyes,
And knew nothing felt was lies.
With each passing minute,
We thought that the feelings had met their limit,
And we had hit the peak of what this was
Yet it grew and continued to surprise us
Fait continued to spin this web of love around
And our hearts began to pound,
We looked into each other eyes one final time,
And knew that this was the sign
This was the moment two hearts melted to make one,
By all the feelings that no longer can be undone.
Forged together with the flames from above,
They realized that till then, they never Truly had love
Now they still wonder where does it go from here
But with each passing day they have less to fear.
Knowing that together they can overcome it all
The future they both saw.
Now its time that just needs to move out of the way,
They have taken everything fait has had to say,
They trusted without knowing
The believed without even showing
This is what it takes to finally find the fairy tale end
Something that grew from just being a friend
Its the purest form that you can feel
Even when its felt, it still feels unreal
Now its time to never look back,
To that life that always seemed to lack,
The passion that you need to survive,
This is the day that you truly come alive.

Poet: Ryan Diehl

Today, tomorrow, forever

Today, I will love you
Come sun or rainy weather,
Don’t think I will leave you,
No, this connection none can sever.

Tomorrow, I will love you
As long as you hold my hand;
My heart for you I’ll write each day
Although waves wash away the sand.

Forever, I will love you
Don’t doubt, it is the truth,
Each day that’s spent together
Keeps me in perpetual youth.

Poet: paul holmes

Truth is Silence

There’s only one person that you ever meet,
That will truly sweep you up off your feet
With each kiss you float off the ground,
All you feel is how hard your heart does pound
Your heart begins as a normal beat,
Then as soon as you feel their heat
Thump...Thump..Thump. Thumping faster it will
As your face begins to glow
Then your breath is taken away,
No way to catch it, no not this day
Like the air is no longer there
Your drowning and you don’t care
Butterflies fill your stomach
Its all that you can take
Rush of emotions out of control
This is true love, that only you know
Butterflies fill an empty stomach
As your body begins to shake
To the rhythm of their flapping wings
As the guiding angel sings
The rush of completeness surrounds you
At this moment every moment feels so true
The world ceases to exist but you two
And no one can see what you do
One soul shared by two bodies of life
And try as you might,
Nothing can be shut off, its too late
Out of control, just fate.
Knowing that things will be complicated, but just at first
You want to scream it to the world, your about to burst
But no you cant, no at this time
Just waiting for that moment, give us the sign
Yet time is what we do have on our side
For this love grows, as we both are blind
Blind of how it will all come about
As our hearts scream and shout
Cant we just let this love grow in leaps and bounds
As the way when together our heart begins to pounds
But patience in the timing to be just right
Let the love be the guiding light
Hearts pounding faster that can we can see
Lungs emptier than can be
Butterflies flying amously around
Guiding angel singing, yet we don’t make a sound.

Poet: Ryan Diehl

Don't touch my heart

Cupid my angel don’t.. touch my heart
My heart..is broken in little pieces
My heart.. hurts so much
Not again…
Cupid don’t touch my heart.

I don’t want to be in love again
Cupid my angel don’t.. touch my heart
Don’t…… touch my heart again
Sometimes Loves.. hurts
My heart hurts so depply

Cupid lover Boy
Don’t touch… don’t touch my heart
I tell you lover boy
My heart need time to heals
Hi broke my heart
Loves hurts

I don’t want to be in love again
Cupid my little angel
Hi broke my heart
Love hurts …
Time..… is what I need to my heart heals
Cupid don’t….don’t….touch my heart

Time.. is the cure for broken heart
My heart is broken
My heart need time to heals..
Love hurts...love hurts
Cupid lover Boy.. Don't play with my heart..
My angel my sweet lover boy
Don’t play with my heart……..again

Poet: Silvia Aguirre

What's love?

What is LOVE?
They say love is just heartfelt emotion but i swear its so much more, its the way she looks at you, its the way she smiles. while you are pouring your heart out to her. its the way she sighs when shes tired as she stretches towards the stars and starts to get comfortable in bed,laying right beside you. its the way she breathes so steady and calm holding onto your hand. Her soft lips against your skin or the way she kisses your lips. its the way she says your name,Giving you tingles from your chest to your toes. her sweet voice that replays over and over in your had while you sleep. The way she leaves you feeling so powerless and weak on your feet when shes there and broken when she isnt. its the way she runs her finger tips over you or the way she grips onto you tightly.Or is it the way she smells,the smell that you can never forget. the way she does her hair and the clothes she wears the way she makes you laugh and the the way she makes you cry. The way she Makes love to you, or the way she says she Loves you. what is love. this endless feeling, i feel for her.
why does my life seem to be totally out of my control just by having her in my life. who knows the answer to this question but i know love is just so much more.. so if and when you find love never let it go because that love is your life and ur life is that love.

Poet: Rebecca Lipak

Secret place

My... Secret Place
Is the Place...
Were a hide the key of my heart
Nobody nose were is... my Secret Place
My... Secret Place
To this moment of my life
Nobody.... founded
My Secret Place.

Weeks go….. I realized
You..…only you
Found my.. Secret Place
How tha'ts happens
I don’t know
You... and you
Sweet smiles
Smarts ..conversations
Lots… lots… laugh
Holding.. hands.. sweets hugs

Little by little
You .. only you.... founded
My Secret Place
Weeks ego…..I realized
I missing you .. so much
Miss you smile
The way you look at me
I miss you…. I miss you
I realized.. I love you
You…...only you
Found the key of my heart
You open my heart..
You.. ..only you
Found my.. Secret Place

My heart is open
To love.. to feels... to cry
To feels …
What is love... about
The only matter to me
If .... I found you
Secret Place....

Poet: Silvia Aguirre

To live & To be loved

There’s no harm in walking alone,
Just hold your head up and walk tall,
Walk in pain, that’s Okay,
Keep the wound in you and smile at your foe,
Your wound will vanish,
You’ll be looked up to and respected,

It’s not a shame to talk about your hurt,
Just make sure you have chosen the right one to listen,
Make a mistake or 10 others,
Keep them with the right person and learn from them,
Your heart will not build hatred,
You’ll grow stronger,

It’s alright to fail in love,
Be ready the next time you fall,
And have your mind involved,
Know that what you have now can be lost,
Your heart will not allow yourself nor others to do it wrong,
You’ll acknowledge the complexity in love,

It’s not dishonoring to satisfy others,
But it is if you’re not doing it because you want to,
No matter what you do, do it for yourself first,
If it benefits others, you have done it well,
Your arms, keep them wide open for help,
You’ll learn to accept differences,

Have your path lit with candles of hope,
Whenever one blows off, put it on,
Trust some, hear all,
Stand by them those you need by you,
This is to live in dignity and die in honor,
This is to be loved by the ones you care for.

Poet: Immad Haider Ali

Sweet love

you don't know how it feels when you make me scream your name
baby boy since we met my life hasn't been the same

never thought i'd see a body as beautiful as yours
common i can't keep on waiting, hurry up and shut the doors

i crave the taste of your lips when they press against mine
i crave the way you send little shivers down my spine

love it when you rub my body and touch it all around
boy i'm glad that you were the only love i've ever found

how do you think that i could possibly ever live
without getting some or a little of what you give

i want you to give me more than what i really need
coz i can never get enough of your sweet body heat

you'll always find me around, waiting here for you
ready to get my mind blown away by every little thing you do

and at the end i'll always have a special gift in return
i'll give you sweet love, love that you really did earn

Poet: Immad Haider Ali

Forbidden love

Momma didnt want me to care.Daddy wasnt ever there.And i didnt think it fair.When everything was up in the air.when you walked into the room.All i could do was stare.As i sit all alone in the chair.I think oh what a wonderful pair we are.You know the love we share is forbidden.And we must keep it hidden.So we must not find it to hard to bare.That is if we dont want our hearts to tare.

Poet: angela marie hudgens

Where are you

My heart… mind…and body
Dreaming about you
Looking for you

Ask to my self
Where .. Where are you ..
My only answer is
Maybe you not exist
But ..my heart tell me
You are some where.. waiting for me
Where… where are you ..

My heart tells me
You’re waiting for me
I always found you in my dreams
Only in my dreams ..
You’re closed to me
I ask to my self
Where… Where are you?
Maybe in another planet
Maybe in another country
Maybe in another life
Always in my dreams
I see you
Touch you
Kiss you
You are …waiting for me

Where…Where are you?
The other day .. I turn my face
I see you ..behind me
My heart tells me
You are the one .. you are
The one in my dreams
The one in my heart waiting for
You are my dream come true…..

Poet: Silvia Aguirre

Whu can't you see

Why can't you see
That there's only good within me
I know you've survived a love catastrophy
I'm here to revive thee

I can't control what others do
But I can double up on the good I throw at you
No more need for feeling blue
For I have come to rescue you

So please bring your walls down
I'm here to remove that frown
And make you forget that clown
So once again you can wear your crown

Girl I'm here to be your prince
My love will be intense
Your pain my love will rinse
Unhappiness will be past tense

Sweetheart just let me in
I'll be your greatest friend
My love will never bend
You've got me until the end

Poet: Shawnellias Burgess

My heart belongs to you

Although you are many miles away
And another's arms you lay
My heart belongs to you

Even though many say I'm a fool
And there's more women in the pool
My heart belongs to you

Despite that you've moved on
And your wedding day has come and gone
My heart belongs to you

I can't help but reminisce
The day of our first kiss
And how it filled me with bliss
For the reason that I just miss
My heart belongs to you

Poet: Shawnellias Burgess


A room with no doors
Quiet and empty, just you and me -
My kind of heaven

Poet: Rama

No one

No man, all alone
No one to call my own
No one to make love with thru the night
No one to play pillow fight
No one to say" I love you",no one to say I care
No one to say,"I'm still sit you even when I am not there"
No one to call me Sugar Pie, Baby, or Boo
No one to help me thru tough times when I'm feeling blue
No one to be there for me, no one to hold me when I cry
I have no one that I cannot deny
No one to go on a date with,no one for me to hug and kiss
No one to watch a movie with, no one I can miss
No one to ask where I am going
No one to sneak out the house without no one knowin
No one to be a lover, no one to be a friend
No one in this world that I can defend
No one to take home to momma, no one to kiss goodnight
No one to make up with when we just had a fight
No one to be a lover, no one to be a friend
No one to be stuck in the world with until the end

Poet: Drucilla La'Tisha Tillman

I think im in love

So, there she was, standing alone, her beauty just make me smile
I try to start a conversation but she just tries not to laugh
And so I’m think maybe she isn’t the one that I should be looking for, in a while
I will know that she loves me or just wants to pass
For you see she may be pretty and also smart but inside deep in her heart
She is unlike the other girls she wears make-up but doesn’t abuse it
I can’t understand why she doesn’t not like me I am also a handsome man and smart
But I don’t know why she doesn’t want to be seen with me why would she refuse me?
There are not any fish in the sea better than me!
This is just a catastrophe maybe I am in a dream and this is an illusion?
Yeah, I must be for you see she doesn’t love me she loves he…
Well when I wake up this will all just go away, but wait my face is that a contusion?
I must ask her now before it is too late but my mother says what happen to you!
I didn’t know what to say so I said this, “Love does crazy things to fools…”

Poet: Jorge Milan

Life In A Love

Escape me?
While I am I, and you are you,
So long as the world contains us both,
Me the loving and you the loth,
While the one eludes, must the other pursue.
My life is a fault at last, I fear"”
It seems too much like a fate, indeed!
Though I do my best I shall scarce succeed"”
But what if I fail of my purpose here?

It is but to keep the nerves at strain,
To dry one's eyes and laugh at a fall,
And baffled, get up to begin again,"”
So the chase takes up one's life, that's all.
While, look but once from your farthest bound,
At me so deep in the dust and dark,
No sooner the old hope drops to ground
Than a new one, straight to the selfsame mark,
I shape me"”

Poet: Robert Browning

Long time coming

Long time coming
said by you as if we were on a path
but to me it was an intersection
I'd prayed, hoped and waited for this
you asked of my new interests
and I could tell you cared
I was awkward and so were you

paths-parallel on some levels
but on different planes as well
struggling to find the niche
which only brings more awkwardness
but I can say
it was good to hear your voice and connect again
to a distant remembering

regurgitated words not yet digested
embarrassing as it may
but its all here on a plate...running over...spilling
but we don't bring our awareness to the table

but I can say...the partial lunch hour we shared on the phone
was nice to converse again
healing time may bring more...or not
and that is fine
at least it was a chance to talk again

Poet: Mark Maxey

Lessons of Love

I hope you feel and understand. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty
or anything else, I’m just telling you my feelings. The hardest part of love, is saying good-bye, I never knew saw myself without you and I still don’t.

I love you and I will never stop. I hope one day we will be together again I always wanted to spend my life with you and I still do. It hurts so bad thinking about where you are and who you are with and knowing I’m nowhere in the picture.

I miss everything about, even the stupid little things. I know I’ve not always been the person you wanted me to be, and I’ve not always been the person I wanted to be either. I want to give you the love and affection you need.

I know you want to know what changed, and its hard to explain, but I know by the way my heart is breaking that I want nothing more than to hold you close and never let you go. I miss the way you feel, look, and smell.

I remember the way you looked at me and the way your cuddles feel. I never realized how I do want your affection and what an idiot I’ve been by withholding my affection for you. I didn’t realize what I had until you left and now it feels like my life is in chaos- I miss you every minute of everyday.

I want you to take me back more than you know. I want to start at the beginning and prove to you my love is genuine and that you are the one for me, maybe one day I’ll get my chance.
Until then I want you to know that my love for you will never stop. You are my best friend and the only person for me. I have never been head-over-hills in love and I cant deny it.

Poet: Kendez Davis

This road

On the road to nowhere.
As I look back I see its unfair,
leaving things I could not bare.
The road behind me gets darker,
and the light is pain to me,
I run faster, still looking back
Still seeing you without me.
But finding me in the light,
is harder then you think.
For there are other roads,
a lot brighter then mine,
and my light is starting to blink.
Alone On this road to nowhere.

Poet: Sean Dominic

No title

Driving down the highway watching the little yellow lines
separate the ground like an earthquake shakes my body..
It doesn't scare me, it calms me.
Driving 150 in a thunderstorm,
white knuckled and smoking.
Hydroplaning feels like wonderment,
and the ditch, so fashionable lately.
I know what I'm leaving behind,
yet I don't know what I'm speeding toward.
The lightning breaks the sky wide open,
right infront of my eyes.
Can I drive right into it?
As the wipers visciously slice into the children of the clouds,
I humm a little tune... And pull over.
The wind tries to throw me away,
like the trash of the planet that never tried hard enough.
I scream into it's body
"You never offered your heart."
It thrashes the fields in anger
as if to tell me something new.
Something that would cause a realization.
The sting of the rain pelting onto my face,
my eyes close to shutting and my clothes wet and cold,
I take few steps further into the ditch.
I think if I were to walk into the middle of this field,
I know I would sink several feet into soft mud.
I lift my foot and slam it into the black thickness that is now my ground,
and I walk out into this space that no one else seems to be in.
I look to the sky and cry like the clouds can,
fall to my knees and join the worms.
They know my pain.
Concerning the forgiveness in my soul,
there is always a spot reserved for you.

Poet: Lara Railene Paul

I remember

I do remember you each and every moment.
No matter how much i try,
it seems impossible to
make up my mind.
As i try harder to forget you
It only makes me miss you more

I erased your number from my phone
I erased your picture from my desktop
But I couldn't efface our love from my heart
I couldn't throw your image out of mind
I still feel your treacly smell with
every breath i take

I always remember how fondly you caressed
Things you whispered in my ear
How we dreamed about a future of our own
I'm not not me without your affection
My arms are open for you forever.
come back to me my sweetheart
I'm dying without you

Poet: Danushka S

A Special Friends Birthday

So Greatful for the first day you and I did meet.
You took me in, giving me a place to stay, and got me off the
Showing me a friendship so caring and true.
Now I have a birthday wish especially for you!
May the greatest gifts of God always be placed at your feet.
May your life be full of happiness and always complete.
May you awake each day with a smile on your face.
May you find true love, someone to forever cherish and embrace
May you always succeed in everything you do
May lifes up's and down's never leave you feeling blue
And finnally may our friendship forever shine
In a very special place, your heart and mine!

Poet: Andrea L. McCown

You Are Mine

You are mine, my best friend,
The one I can confide in, until the end.
The one who has seen every tear,
Whose hands boldly hold all of my fears.

You are mine, my other half that makes me complete,
Who never lets me feel like I am going through defeat.
You're the one who has always been there,
To show me how much that you truely care.

You are mine, my happiness in me,
Who's opened my eyes and really made me see.
Your compassion and love has shone through the clouds,
Leaving me with no more fears or doubts.

You are mine, an angel for me,
Whose smile is sent to make me happy.
The one who always has faith in your heart,
To make sure that I don't fall apart.

You are mine, without any question,
Giving me lots of hugs and affection.
You are mine, my best friend,
Whom I will always love until the very end!

I love you Lauren! Thanks for everything!

Poet: Erika Dick

While you sleep

By the sound if the breeze
You can't hear anything but the wind
Of how it blows through the leaves
The sweet sound of your heart, praying this won't end
The sound you make, while you sleep is like none other
so much peace, with so much ease
Through the window somes the light of the moon
Makes your face glow, like the stars
Shining through the night, making sweet sound tune
As you lay your head on my chest hearing every beat,
you know my heart beats for you
Holding you in my arms while you sleep
I'm whispering in your ear "I Love You"
While you sleep!

Poet: Delshawn Linval Tuitt

Thinking About You

Laying down in the bed while the moon shine
Thinking of the day you would be mine
Wondering how life is going to be
If you look in the mirror you'll see what I see
How can we be apart when our feelings are the same
My life became happy as soon as you came
Wow, the thoughts I have of you when you are not near
Love is something I don't fear
Thinking about you day and night
you in my arms and everything feels so right
The moon shining across my bed
My boys want to hang out, but it's you I want instead

Poet: Delshawn Linval Tuitt

Man of my heart

Spring comes whit the
sun cold winds there are
none"man of my heart"
he's the one.
I gazed at him once
I gazed at him twice
this was the start of
He gezed at each other
and our dreams took
flight beautiful
wedding of white.
Spring comes whit the sun cold winds there are none
"man of my heart"-you're
the one.

Poet: aida rodriguez

Marry Me

Special night .......
Tonight.... is the night
To ask the most important
Question o my life
Marry me …
Tonight... is the night

At night to remember
for the rest of my life
Special night.. tonight
Candles lots of candles
Champagne.. music…
Diamond ring…

Perfect night…
Tonight... is the night
To look at her eyes
Tell her… she is
The love of my life

At night to remember
For the rest of ours life
Special night tonight
and me and only one
One question
Marry Me

Poet: Silvia Aguirre

Love Doves

love does goes east 2 west
love doves goes north 2 south
love doves stay together and
hope the best.

Poet: Tiffany Leslie

Sweet and Sour

She said "He so sour make me wanna lick the apples"
so i let her lick the apples.....
Momma ain't never seen a so dude fine
call me MACAW
you can catch me the sky
you know I'll give you the wood
I'll have you saying "AW thats good"
You can get a taste of my Patron
you know daddy will treat you like Matron
I'll touch you down
you already know the score
we in this zone
you know my kisses taste sweet
i like that apple bottom ass
let me taste that sweet grape peach
study hard for this exam
you already know I'm the teach
and if a nigga touch ya
I'll load the bullets in the breech
I'll have you crying out
CAW will make ya screech
see I'm hotter than daemon
more tricky than a demon
See i know you flyer than Grey Goose
and bet I'll make that tang juice
I'll have you playing better roles
than Morgan Freemon
I'll bake that body up
I'll have you sexually floating like a seaman
momma looking ripe
you my A
like the blood type
You so hot you bouts the change the weather
skin so silky leather
and these niggas can't sense me
bitch niggas Helen Kellers...
she so dangerous
her snake bite
too venomous
and there's no ointment
she so clean
and she like the tongue
i can make make it
see I'm a yellow bone
but this game make ya face flush
taking off those secrets
then I'll having you dreaming like a hush
Shawty wants some soul
you know I'm number one
let me take you where no man has before

Poet: Christopher Wallach

Love Cry

You caressed my body,i slipped into
a trans, as i lay still accommodating
every stroke.

Your hands are soft and gentle making
sure every inch of my body is touched
then slowly you kissed my lips, and
whispered in my ears "lets go into the
bedroom, i'll take it from there"

You will conquer and devour everthing
you see insight Cause to you am just
a victim to your love cry.
I will make no sound, nor put up a fight
cause once your inside i will see the

Am slipping from the silk that lines the bed
then you asked "would you go on the floor instead?"
Its hard but i brace for delight i need you now
wont you come inside?

You taunt me over and over again just to see the
look on my eager face, you nibble, you bite...again
I wont put up a fight!.
You are more than what i expected, standing firm and
tall, I await your love portion to be injected,
and i want it all.

I smell the scent filled the air, the panting echoed
thoughout the room...oooh yes he is ready as i stared
into his eyes....he's gonna filled me up let
me over flow from inside.

I bite my lips, grit my teeth,open my legs, held the
sheets, i felt it deep within my walls moving back and
forth exploring it all. He is now my slave working real
hard as I move in motion to his rhythm wishing this
moment will not end a tear of joy fell from my eyes
as my love juice comes pouring down.

He his now my love as i am his, what happened just
now we will always relive, but i must say goodbye to
you I should be awake i have to leave early its another

Poet: Melissa Lobban

Love Notes

Does your love write notes
On the bathroom mirror in the steam?
Messages of affection
That will not fade as a dream?

Does your love leave notes
On the car seat in the drive,
And when you get to read them
Do you feel so much alive?

Are your initials in a love-heart
Carved out in the bark of a tree
Spelling out true affection
That will last through eternity?

Then, you are to be applauded
For keeping the romance strong;
Like memorable musical notes
Those words ring like a favourite song.

Poet: paul holmes








Poet: Shawnellias Burgess


A woman's heart is truly divine
It will intoxicate you like a wine
Uplift you and reinforce your spine
Encapsulate you and make you feel fine

A woman's heart is where love will flow
Like a seed it will germinate and begin to grow
You will feel like the star of the show
From it you will begin to glow

A woman's heart is a gift
Because of this she is a thrift
So be patient and not too swift
Work diligently when it is your shift

A woman's heart is truly divine
Let it wrap around you like a vine
Holding you tightly in its twine
To this heart you'll build a shrine

Poet: Shawnellias Burgess

A Piece of my Heart

A piece of my heart died today
As I saw a yellow leaf fall from a tree
Reminding me of that day so grey
When Death took my friend from me.

A piece of my heart has a hole
Where once your friendship was there
Now it’s gone leaving a crushed soul
With a terrible rip, a cruel tear.

A piece of my heart cannot grow,
White numbness replaces the red;
“Time heals” they say, but it’s so slow,
Mental wounds befuddle the head.

A piece of my heart bears each Name
Of ones still fondly missed;
Rich memories continue to remain,
Cherished photos are often kissed…

Poet: paul holmes


Are you ready for me
A man who's heart is as big as the sea
Whose love will never flee
A man that defines chivalry
Who will fill your world with honesty
And celebrate your exquisite beauty
Someone to give you countless hours of ecstasy
Whose sole purpose is to bring you glee
Are you ready for this romantic journey

Poet: Shawnellias Burgess

Missing Something

It doesn't matter what I do or say
It doesn't matter how many silly poems I write
It doesn't matter how many times I cry
I'm missing something
Something that's obviously important

I can grab your attention
But I can't seem to keep it
It only takes a second for you to forget my existence
There's something that you're needing
I must not be able to give it
Because I'm missing something
Something that's obviously important to you

Poet: Angel Esclave


All a woman wants is
To be loved
To be adored
To be cherished
To be heard
To be understood
To be soothed
To be caressed

All a woman needs is
Your time
Your devotion
Your touch
Your kiss
Your committment
Your ear
Your strength

I understand this
And will give so much more
I'm just waiting on you
To open your heart's door
Let me in

Poet: Shawnellias Burgess

Victim of Love

Slap a padlock on my mind
If you can only but try,
My thoughts cannot be confined,
This freedom you won’t deny.

Am I so small, so fragile a Bird,
Unnoticed, with a broken wing?
So weak to utter a noble word,
Unable to sweetly sing?

No! There’s so much to learn,
Inside there’s a tender heart;
Passion’s deep within do burn,
Just haven’t had chance to start.

Don’t think you can control
My life in every way,
I am a patient, but strong soul
Just waiting for the day

When retribution will call,
Then release, as from a cage
And freedom to walk tall
With no more seething rage.

Poet: paul holmes

I wish I do

I wish I could soar with eagles
fly blind by letting go
of all that binds me
but then, isn't that
what I'm doing now?
Thank God for letting me
crashland in this vision.

Poet: Uwe Werner Stroh

Heart of Dreams

Here in the heart of dreams
I’m cocooned in your embrace
And outside, the scurrilous screams
Aren’t heard, there is no trace;
Indiscernible while we enjoy
Each memorable minute
Where nothing can destroy
Our love that’s so infinite.
No one can interfere while
We’re as close as a heartbeat;
Chasing darkness away with a smile,
Loves’ sunshine does it defeat!
As long as I’m nestled here with you
It’s like all my dreams have come true.

Poet: paul holmes



The night was dark& the moon was high,
stars were decorated in the limitless sky,
on an unseen,unknown path melancholy,
thinking of someone i was walking slowly.

that enchanting river & the cold breeze,
oh,in my heart that moment has got freezed,
my breathe were frost & my steps were stopped,
looking at you my senses got locked.

about one i was thinking,was in front of me,
since a long of whom i was wishing to see,
by looking into the eyes we told everything,
to say in words there remained nothing,

the passion has grown so deep & intense,
which was impossible to stop by any fence,
impeccable& innocent, he came closer to me,
like to touch the shore travel the waves of sea.

i lived my whole life in that single moment,
oh, i still remember the night so calm & silent,
moving his hand forward he gave a smile,
i hold it and we walked a mile& mile.

that walk will be life long or not i can't say,
after this night,when will come the day?
i don't know where destiny will take us
but i can say,yeah this is the spirit of true LOVE.

Poet: zainab haseeb

Love is Hate is

Love Is...

love is like a snail
moving toward a cabbage leaf.

Hate Is...

Your date, the mouse,
with his hand inching
down your blouse.

Poet: Frank F. Atanacio

Life.....before and after meeting her.....

Life.....before and after meeting her.....

Before meeting her.....

Na gali ko daekh na gali walon ko daekh,
Sirf us ghar ko aur us may galnay walay chiragh ko daekh.
Ye chiragh tou kab se bhuja hua hai,
Wo tou sirf tera muntazir hai,
kay tou aag ban kar us kay pass aai,
aur us ko roshan kar jai.

After meeting her.......

Na gali ko daekh na gali walon ko daekh,
Sirf us ghar ko aur us may galnay walay chiragh ko daekh.
Ye chiragh tou bus bhujnay ko hai,
Wo tou sirf tera muntazir hai,
Kay tou hawa ka jhonka ban kay aai,
Aur us ko bhuja kay chali jai.

Poet: Hassam Saeed

Maybe just maybe.

Maybe just maybe.

The Frame
on the left table
appeared to be white

as she played
centipede in a forbidden site,

and the vines crept up!
with no one in sight!

I was dearly in fright,
for there was no one to fight!

Maybe i should be the one
in muscular tights!?

After all! my pet pup
needs to show his Might!

Poet: Andrew Lozano

Nothing But Death

Nothing But Death
Poet: Pablo Neruda

There are cemeteries that are lonely,
graves full of bones that do not make a sound,
the heart moving through a tunnel,
in it darkness, darkness, darkness,
like a shipwreck we die going into ourselves,
as though we were drowning inside our hearts,
as though we lived falling out of the skin into the soul.

And there are corpses,
feet made of cold and sticky clay,
death is inside the bones,
like a barking where there are no dogs,
coming out from bells somewhere, from graves somewhere,
growing in the damp air like tears of rain.

Sometimes I see alone
coffins under sail,
embarking with the pale dead, with women that have dead hair,
with bakers who are as white as angels,
and pensive young girls married to notary publics,
caskets sailing up the vertical river of the dead,
the river of dark purple,
moving upstream with sails filled out by the sound of death,
filled by the sound of death which is silence.

Death arrives among all that sound
like a shoe with no foot in it, like a suit with no man in it,
comes and knocks, using a ring with no stone in it, with no
finger in it,
comes and shouts with no mouth, with no tongue, with no
Nevertheless its steps can be heard
and its clothing makes a hushed sound, like a tree.

I'm not sure, I understand only a little, I can hardly see,
but it seems to me that its singing has the color of damp violets,
of violets that are at home in the earth,
because the face of death is green,
and the look death gives is green,
with the penetrating dampness of a violet leaf
and the somber color of embittered winter.

But death also goes through the world dressed as a broom,
lapping the floor, looking for dead bodies,
death is inside the broom,
the broom is the tongue of death looking for corpses,
it is the needle of death looking for thread.

Death is inside the folding cots:
it spends its life sleeping on the slow mattresses,
in the black blankets, and suddenly breathes out:
it blows out a mournful sound that swells the sheets,
and the beds go sailing toward a port
where death is waiting, dressed like an admiral.

A Prayer

A Prayer

She’s 13 year old girl
Her name is Emily Nicole
Lord protect her from every evil
She’s special.

Her favorite colour is black and red
Lord never make her sad
Fill her with your grace
And be with her always.

Yeah, you know every night I pray
Lord make her every morning a brand new day
Give her the power to fight against all her enemies
Take away all her troubles & worries.

When she’s falling, hold her hand & lift her up
Lord make her life easy and not tough
I don’t wanna see her hurt, just don’t let it be set her free
And if you got no choice then protect her and put that on me.

Wipe off her tears (when she’s crying) I don’t wanna see her cry
Lord spread out her wings let her fly
Make all her dreams come true
In your name I pray lord I love you.


I Hate Myself For Losing You

"I Hate Myself For Losing You"

I woke up today

Woke up wide awake

In an empty bed

Staring at an empty room

I have myself to blame

For the state I'm in today

And now dying

Doesn't seem so cruel

And oh, I don't know what to say

And I don't know anyway


I hate myself for losing you

I'm seeing it all so clear

I hate myself for losing you

What do you do when you look in the mirror

And staring at you is why he's not here?

You got what you deserved

Hope you're happy now

'Cause everytime I think of her with you

It's killing me

Inside, and

Now I dread each day

Knowing that I can't be saved

From the loneliness

Of living without you


Life and death

Life and death

Life and death is just a matter in a second.
Live it up, I don't want to see you cry.
It's bad enough that we have to say good bye.
I chose your life over mine in the last second.

We agree with each other to decide on something important.
But the accident came so fast I didn't have time to ask you.
When I made my decision, I'm really confident.
I would kill myself if anything happen to you.

So, I'm sorry for my selfishness to die alone,
Leaving you behind, leaving you alone.
It's not the way I wanted to be.
Honey, please don't be mad at me.

Death has taken me far away.
To a place where I have to stay,
So sad but i could no longer see your face,
and no longer can feel your warm embrace.

Don't cry, don't cry, it's not your fault.
Live it up and be happy for me.
Find a man where your heart can be.
I'm sorry i can no longer be close.

But far away, in this forbidden land,
I will always protect you with my hands,
and truely, you will always be
in the memory of this dead man.

The path of my life

The path of my life

Upon the path and to the very last,
On a journey that has gone so fast...
And as i stop to recount my life,
The edges i walk on destiny's knife,.

Am i myself for her who will be,
A person, a shadow, or a memory,
As i lay upon my lonely bed,
Hiden away from what was said,

Who have i really become
Am i more than just someone,
Or am i lost, do i need love,
Do i need guidance from up above,

And i just can't say, how would i know,
To answer question that i let go....

Beautiful girl

Beautiful girl

Life continues every second,
but here,my life stops at this moment.
The time has stopped after you smile.
Girl, you make my heart cry.
As charming as you are,
Your so hard to reach.
You makes all the guys around you realize
what true beauty really is.
But doesn't matter far you are,
I'll still take my chances.
Can I get your number?
so we can be friend.
Girl! I'll fight with my life,
kill all other guys,
stack up their bodies,
and climb up to you, baby.
And, if you ever need me,
I'll be there unconditionally.
Just call me, day or night,
then I'll be right there.

I cry

I cry

I gaze at the moon tonight.
Reminiscing how I used to hold you so tight.
Together, we bond with our hands.
Forever, my love will stand.
But why you left me behind?
Now, I'm all alone. I lose my mind.
My heart is all frozen inside.
In the end, I cry.

Your name

Your name

I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.

I love you and only you

I love you and only you

I love you and only you
Only you can turn my world upside down
You and only you
You can make me feel so good
You make me feel royal like a queen
Only you can make me feel this way
You and only you
No one can hold me like you can
No one can kiss me like you can
Only you can do those special things for me
You and only you

why i love you

why i love you

You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.

Special, accepting, exciting and wise
Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes
Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright
Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.

You're one of a kind, different from others
Generous, charming, but not one that smothers
Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game
But not just another... in the long chain.

Appreciative, warm and precious like gold
Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old
You'll always be there, I know that is true
I'll always be here... always for you.



It has been a year since that day,
the day I asked you to be part of my life.
Ever since than,
There are many laughters
mix with tears.
There are many nights
we comfort each other.
There are many lonely moment
that we miss each other.
There are many desires
of wanting each other.
The love you carved in my heart is so deep.
It will always be there.
I always have hope for us to be together
even with somany illusions you put me through.
But now, let our love rest asleep,
and never be awaken
because from the beginning
our love was all an illusion.

Why God gave us friends

Why God Gave Us Friends

GOD Knew That Everyone Needs
Companionship And Cheer,
He Knew That People Need Someone
Whose Thoughts Are Always Near.

He Knew They Need Someone Kind
To Lend A Helping Hand.
Someone To Gladly Take The Time
To Care And Understand.

GOD Knew That We All Need Someone
To Share Each Happy Day,
To Be A Source Of Courage
When Troubles Come Our Way.

Someone To Be True To Us,
Whether Near Or Far Apart.
Someone Whose Love We'll Always
Hold And Treasure In Our Hearts.

That's Why God Gave Us Friends

Beautiful things

Beautiful things

Memories are beautiful when remembered
Same for stories, but only when they end
Lives have been lost, but still remembered
So sad, that's why so beautiful
But none of these things are more beautiful than you

The Day U Left Me

The Day u left me

you break my heart in such a way
im not sure what to say
i dont know why u did the thing that u do
i keep on thinking it wasnt true

it hurt so much when u left me
inside of me was all torn up, cant u see
every time just thinking of you
i see myself as a fool

why love so much then now hurt
u should of warn me with an alert
to not go too deep
because this was just a dream in my sleep

i took our love very seriously
but to you it was just a game
i dont know why u came into my life
making everything not the same

sorrow was all that remained
with undying pain
now i learned from my mistake
not to put hopes in a love that was fake

10 thing i hate about you !!!

10 thing i hate about you !!!

I hate the way you talk to me,

and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car,

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots

and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick,

it even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way youre always right,

I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh,

even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when youre not around,

and the fact that you didnt call.

But mostly I hate the way I dont hate you,

not even close

not even a little bit

not even at all.

Stars from above

Stars from above

Tonight, I look at the star
and wonder if you staring at the same one with me.
Even though we're really far apart,
but someday, you will be next to my heart.
Our time to shine will come eventually
and our light will brighten up the dark sky.
Two stars will join together as one
as you will be here next to my side.
My star will revolve around you
as I'm holding you, everyday,
and I will kiss you
as step by step around you, I sway.
And here tonight, I look at the star
as I send a kiss to you.
Just remember my sweetheart
the star is my love for you.

The Sound

The Sound

There are many sounds
But i love the sound of my cell phone
When i recieve an SMS from someone important to me
Just a simple sound
Nothing special, not a masterpiece
But it give me happiness more than any art i can find
Because i know, she replied. She thinks of me, she cares
Maybe only for that momment when she write, and choose my name on her phone
And press the send button. But it's enough for me. She though of me.
I was there, in her mind. I'm so glad.
Maybe she do think of me all the time, maybe not when she is busy.
But when the i hear the sound, i know for sure, that she did think fo me.
That sound wash away the feeling of missing her
Make me smile, wash away all bad emotions, in that momment i hear.
Each time, everytime, before i get to read the message
I get all excited, wondering if she will say "I love you"?
So unlikely, so rarely... From my observations
But still i become excited and happy, because i keep hoping
Imagining how great it is, to see these 3 words.
"I love you", i would answer instantly: I love you too
Just a sound, less than 1 second.
Makes me happy everytime.

IF one day.....


If one day…
U feel like crying…
Call me.
I don’t promise that
I will make U laugh,
but I can cry with U.
If one day…
U want to run away,
Don’t be afraid to call me.
I don’t promise to ask U
to stop…
but I can run with U.

If one day…
U don’t want to listen
to anyone…
Call me.
I promise to be there for U.
And I promise to be very quite.

But if one day U call…
And there is no answer…
Come fast to see me.
Maybe I need U.

If I ever ignored U.
I’m sorry…

If I ever made U feel bad
or put U down
I’m sorry…

If I ever thought
I was bigger or better than U
I luv U…
Don’t ever forget that!
through bad times
and good,
I’ll always be there for U.

I am sorry…
For everything wrong I’ve ever done,
I wish I could do worst!!!

I’m writing this
what if
tomorrow never comes?
what if
I never get to say goodbye
or give U a big hug?
what if
I never get to say I’m sorry or I love U?
what if tomorrow never comes?

Always love you

Always love you

It's like a miracle
how you came into my life.
I don't know when or where
you move next to my side.
Now, listen to what I have to say.
I have this feelings for you.
Poem is the only way
that I can express myself for you.
You see. You make me smile,
whenever I see your smile,
and it's like a vast of ocean,
whenever I look into your eyes.
Everynight, I want to stay up with you,
and rooting for you to be happy.
Everynight, whenever I hear your voice,
I realize that your heart is where I want to be.
It's easy to fall in love with you.
But I know it's not easy to forget you.
Under this darkness when I think of you,
I know for sure that I will always love you.

Helpless Love

Helpless Love

It annoy me that i cant help you
Seeing you in pain, hurts me lots
I wanna take you with me to fly
Forgetting the past, and remember the now

I dont want to see your sad face
I want to see you smile everyday
There are so many logic and questions to be solved
I wish i could give you every answer

I love you baby, i want you well
I wish you could just smile.. and never cry
I want to take your burdens, your guilt onto my shoulders
Carrying them for you, baby i want to

Hey listen to the birds singing, the wind blowing
Look at the trees, the sun rays, the feeling
Close your eyes now, breathe in the fresh air
Let go of the past, let go of the burden

Baby i love you, i will always be here
Be happy, be strong, smile and laugh
Let the world know, you are happy
Then all my days will shine for you :)

Love Everlasting

Love Everlasting

Written from my heart sealed with my kiss
These words will describe our eternal bliss
And when I lay my head to sleep on my bed
You are the thoughts wondering in my head

When my eyes shut I see an image of you
Nothing can distract for you are my only view
I wish you were here, holding me so tight
Yet instead I will be dreaming of you tonight

I dream of the future that together we'll share
The laughs and cries we'll see in this love affair
I count down the minutes until I see you next
I just want to run away with you into the sunset

I've fallen in something that is magical and deep
A picture drawn inside my heart forever to keep
An essay written in words the describe this love
A prayer to the angels thanking them up above

I look into your eyes and I see forever right there
I feel it in your touch as you brush through my hair
And each time we kiss I feel the love deep down
You've changed my life and turned my world around

Hate without Hate!!!!!

Hate without Hate!!!!!

Hating you because you left my world without looking back
Never thought that hatred is sorrow that devour my soul
Looking back to now our painful memories
And my heart starts to shed into thousand pieces
Realizing the importance of your existence to me
Causing the tears of my heart to burn with every drop
How can you leave without any doubts?
Do you know the unbearable pain you left for me?
Can you see that hatred is killing what is left of me?
Hatred is like a blizzard
Once it blows past you, and leaving so little behind
Leaving you only the feelings of hopelessness and darkness
And all the while the hatred devours me
I still feel the love for you, so strong,
That it made me felt uncertain
So blinding that now the only feeling left of me
Is the feeling of hatred within love....

I Walk Alone

I Walk Alone

I walk alone in this world
To the sky, the moon, and the stars
I walk alone through the endless night
Till I find the way to the light
There are times I could feels your warm embrace
But then it disappears and runs away
Many sadness tears run down my face
Now I realized that you couldn’t always stay
I wish that time could turn itself
To the day I found myself
Falling deeply in love with you again
But then feelings play trick with me
Now I’m sitting here trying to figure out
Whether the love I felt were real
And I wish you could be by my side
To help me solve the problems in my mind
But you’re far away from me
So I’m just all alone at night
Looking at the sky for answers I couldn’t find
And hope the start could be my comfort
My companion when times are tough
But stars don’t last throughout the night
Again I left all alone by myself
Hoping the rain would fall right now
To wash away this sadness eyes
So I could life this face and smile
Waiting for the sun tomorrow to shine
To dry my tears so I won’t cry.


Emotion In Sleep

Every night before i go to bed
I miss you
When i am in bed, i miss you
Miss you so much that i just ly there
thinking of you every momment i could
Tried to sleep but i couldnt
Waves of thoughs about you keep crushing in
Giving me panic, also happiness
I fear to one day i will lose you baby
I fear one day i need you more
I fear one day you dont need me anymore
I fear the day you turn your back...
But im so happy for now i have you
That future day has not yet come
I wont believe it comes if i try hard
Even if it does, i'll still try my best

Oh baby what are you doing there so far awảy
Are you eating, laughting, crying... or just sitting there?
I want to know every minuts of what you do
Do you think of me? I miss you so much
I wanted to never sleep to think of you
And wanted to hear your beautiful voice
Wanted to call you... but u wouldnt want
So just lying there on my bed missing
I wanted to ask you once, just once
That would you ever say: I love you
Out of nowhere that sounds so great
That you need me, as much as i do
I wanted to phone u, to talk and never sleep
To feel that you are with me, and not anyone else
So many thoughs... sometimes makes me sad

But im soo happy, because i love you
And from time to time, you would show ur love

Myself, dont give up

Don't give up, myself don't give up
Autumn leaves why fell in winter
Don't give up, honey, don't give up
You are mine and I'm also yours
Flying kite like whose soul chearless
Down a kite that gulf get more grieved

Who i were, shedding tears myself
Who I am, why exists in world
who am I, then who, and who
So much love the life

Don't give give, myself don't give up
Lost sunshine like my own story
Don't give up honey dont give up
You refresh and u get sunrise
Farther road and late sun quiet
Those whose soul now tiptoes sadden

Never say I love you

Never say I love you

Never say I love you
If you don't really care

Never talk of feelings
If they aren't really there

Never hold my hand
If you mean to break my heart

Never say forever
If you ever plan to part

Never look into my eyes
If you are telling me a lie

Never say hello
If you think you'll say goodbye

Never say that I'm THE one
If you dream of more than me

Never lock up my heart
If you don't have the key

If only our hearts could talk

If only our hearts could talk

If only our hearts could talk

There would never be such a problem as

And our time would be filled with meaningful

Instead of words spoken by betrayed

Lost in my though

Lost in my though

Lonely road in the lonely night,
I wonder why you're acting so strange tonight.
We are not fighting but there is something I couldn't see.
I wish you can take all your courage to tell me.
I just don't want to be another boyfriend.
I want to be someone who you can take my hand,
and tell me everything. Whats on your mind.
Your attitudes tonight make me so blind.
You make me wonder if you really love me,
but because of you, I'm trying my best to be
a man of independent to meet up your expectation,
and protect you from everything, my devotion.
But tonight, you shaking the foundation of a man you give hope to,
because now I wonder if your love is true.
Throughout the night, I wasn't even in sight,
and you were flirting with another guy right in front of my sight.
How am I suppose to deal with this?
Should I be mad at you?
Even though there are moments I was really pissed
But I try not to.
In the end, I guess its not your fault at all.
My jealousy is acting up because of what I saw.
I expect too much from you
without knowing if your love is true.
And its all because of me,
I fall in love too fast, too hard.
My love will always be there.
I don't us to be a part.
I'm trying to keep our love simple,
but it's not easy to do it myself.
In the lonely road, if you're not there to help me,
surely, I will fail.



It came so fast.
I didn't have a chance to grab it.
It lasted so short.
I wasn't expecting it.
For a moment,
I fell in love with you.
Only for a moment,
my love was renewed.
In a blue dress shirt you wore,
it was so lovely for me.
Just like an angel in disguise
came to set me free.
As I'm sitting here thinking about that moment,
you are all I can see.
I would do anything
to relive those memories.

Moral Fiber

Moral Fiber

Through the eyes, we see.
Through the ears, we hear.
Through the skin, we feel.
But everything is unreal.
We are alone in this path of life.
Senses are just illusions of the mind.
Through the path of life, love is what we seek.
Love sometimes causes tears down our cheek.
But it's all worth it.
Pain and tears train us to never forfeit.
In this emptiness, love is hope.
To continue on; To never loses hope,
You always seek someone in life,
whos always be there, whos always by your side.
And once you find her, you will do anything for her.
You'll protect her. You'll fight for her.
You'll put her in front of you.
For her sake, there are unclean things that you do,
but you know that you're happy,
because the juice is worth the squeeze.
That's what moral fiber's all about.



by Raymond Carver
So early it's still almost dark out.
I'm near the window with coffee,
and the usual early morning stuff
that passes for thought.

When I see the boy and his friend
walking up the road
to deliver the newspaper.

They wear caps and sweaters,
and one boy has a bag over his shoulder.
They are so happy
they aren't saying anything, these boys.

I think if they could, they would take
each other's arm.
It's early in the morning,
and they are doing this thing together.

They come on, slowly.
The sky is taking on light,
though the moon still hangs pale over the water.

Such beauty that for a minute
death and ambition, even love,
doesn't enter into this.

Happiness. It comes on
unexpectedly. And goes beyond, really,
any early morning talk about it.



lost poem by Gary R. Hess

I don't really want to say goodbye
I don't really want to leave you
But now I have to go away
Stay away from you forever

What we had was something special
Deep down from our hearts
But now I have to go away
And leave you from my heart.

Life in a Love

Life in a Love
Famous love poems by Robert Browning

Escape me?
While I am I, and you are you,
So long as the world contains us both,
Me the loving and you the loth,
While the one eludes, must the other pursue.
My life is a fault at last, I fear:
It seems too much like a fate, indeed!
Though I do my best I shall scarce succeed.
But what if I fail of my purpose here?
It is but to keep the nerves at strain,
To dry one's eyes and laugh at a fall,
And baffled, get up to begin again,—
So the chase takes up one's life, that's all.
While, look but once from your farthest bound,
At me so deep in the dust and dark,
No sooner the old hope drops to ground
Than a new one, straight to the selfsame mark,
I shape me—

Come live with me and be my love

Come live with me and be my love
Famous poem by Christopher Marlowe

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods or steepy mountain yields.

And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of roses
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of th purest gold;

A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me and be my love.

The shepherds' swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

Love So Sweet

Love So Sweet
by Jessica Kae Teal

You woke me from my sleep
and drenched my heart with a love so deep.
When I look into your eyes
I see my reflection,
my feelings for you I do not despise.
You treat me like the princess I should be
by pouring your sweet and sensual love all over me.
When I see you bitting your lip and anxiously trying to kiss me,
I debate in my mind whether or not I should let you taste me.
You stand there all quiet with your sexy body,
and I think in my mind, "Oh, my gosh, what a hottie."
When I hear you speak, all your beautiful voice does
is make me weak.
I love you for this and
I love you for that,
but you love me for everything and that.



I see you at school
And you glance my way,
Passing in the halls
In your ordinary day.
But anytime
Your eyes meet mine
Is a day so rare,
A day so fine.
Just another face,
I’m nothing to you;
You look but don’t see;
You haven’t a clue...
That my heart is racing;
I’m trembling inside;
So much love for you
I’m trying to hide.
You smile at others;
You pass me by;
I’m invisible,
And I want to cry.

By Joanna Fuchs

Just Friends?

Just Friends?

You say that you like me,
But that we're just friends;
Can I feel the same?
Well I think it depends:
Can I quit breathing fast
Each time you appear?
Will my heart stop its pounding
Whenever you're near?
I'd like to feel nothing,
And get rid of the thrill.
I wish I'd stop loving you,
But I don't think I will.

By Joanna Fuchs

Until I Met You

Until I Met You

Before I met you,
I thought I was happy,
and I was,
but I had never known
the rich contentment,
deep satisfaction,
and total fulfillment
you brought to me
when you came into my life.
Before I met you,
I felt a lot of things,
good things,
but I had never experienced
the indescribably intense
feelings I have for you.
Before I met you,
I thought I knew myself,
and I did,
but you looked deep inside me
and found fresh new things
for us to share.
Before I met you,
I thought I knew about love,
but I didn’t,
until I met you.

By Joanna Fuchs

All The Things I Love About You

All The Things I Love About You

I love you for the warm, sweet affection
in your eyes
whenever you look at me,
and the special smile
you save only for me.
I love that you always seek
to have your body close to mine,
reaching out to touch,
to hold my hand,
to wrap your arms around me.
I love how you show me you care
by looking for ways
to make my life easier and more comfortable.
I love that when I ask you to do things,
you try to do them
instead of thinking me demanding.
I love that your favorite place is near me,
that you’d rather be with me
than anywhere else.
I love you for more reasons
than this page has space to write,
so I’ll try to tell you and show you in person
all the things I love about you.

By Joanna Fuchs

If Not For You

If Not For You

If not for you, I wouldn’t know
What true love really meant.
I’d never feel this inner peace;
I couldn’t be content.
If not for you, I’d never have
The pleasures of romance.
I’d miss the bliss, the craziness,
Of love’s sweet, silly dance.
I have to feel your tender touch;
I have to hear your voice;
No other one could take your place;
You’re it; I have no choice.
If not for you, I’d be adrift;
I don’t know what I’d do;
I’d be searching for my other half,
Incomplete, if not for you.

By Joanna Fuchs

One In A Million

One In A Million

You're one in a million, my most special one;
Your radiant smile is as bright as the sun;
You're smart and caring and have many great charms,
And my heart really sings when you're in my arms.
I'm happy you chose me from all of the rest,
And I'm proud 'cause I know that I got the best.
You're so cute and so sweet, and you glow like a pearl;
I just love you so much, my most wonderful girl!

By Karl Fuchs

A Love Song

A Love Song

Let me sing you a love song
About what I feel in my heart;
Butterflies can't find nectar
Whenever we're apart.
You're a flower in bloom.
In the dark, in the gloom,
It's you who brightens my day.
How many ways do I need you?
Every day, every way, come what may.

By Karl Fuchs