
What it is to live

What it is to live

by Jacqui Armstrong

He walked through the door a tear in his eye
He lifted his sleeve and wiped it dry
He took a deep breath and stepped into the room
He closed his eyes he saw the gloom

She was there so very quiet and still
She seemed as though she was never ill
He slowly walked closer to her
The few weeks before became a blur

He reached out for her small white hand
Held it tight but could not understand
He took his ring placed it on her chain
Took his sleeve and wiped his eyes again

He slowly sat on the small white chair
Put out his hand and touched her hair
So perfect and blonde so long and neat
Without you I am incomplete

He whispered, I love you in her ear
Although you're gone you're always here
And at that moment his hand moved from her hair
To his heart you're always there

He slowly stood up and again took her hand
Things were clear he could now understand
Even if she wasn't there with him
Inside his heart could never be dim

He placed her hand down by her side
Her imprint she left so deep inside
For the last time he softly kissed her
Still her body did not stir

He turned to walk toward the door
Then turned back to look once more
Her new small ring shone in the light
He closed the door she had lost her fight

And as surely as he said that day
In his heart she will always stay

© Jacqui Armstrong

* i have dedicated this poem to one of my friends who's girlfriend he lost to cancer*

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