
The Hill Of Love

The Hill Of Love
Author: Bernard Pennington

I dream of the hill that we shared
I only then realised how much you cared,
your smiling face your warm embrace
mean the world to me.

The touch of your hand upon my face,
your true love is full of grace.
You touched my inner most feelings,
like you did from the begining.

So much love ,you opened my eyes,
and for me such a beautiful supprise,
I think im dreaming.
We walk down the hill hand in hand
and I think of flower blossoms all around.

Oh my love for you is so honest and true,
just like the first morning dew.
And if dreams can come true,
my love will only be of you.

How I love you my darling,
If I could make time stand still,
my love would be only of you and the hill.

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