

the water was clear so clear.
the water was as clear as water that is clear.
as clear as water that to be clear appears.
just as if.
just like water you’d like to hug, pile high,
or mail off as a letter.
as clear as the Pythagorean Theorem.
the first Law of Thermodynamics.
which you wish also applied to water.
as very clear as it is blue, green, fluid, statically dynamic.
as clear as the right side of the universe.
so clear that you seem to be watching it (water) through a pane
of clear to almost clear water.
like as if.
clear as a fish of clear water.
clear as the effect of unreal terror on reality.
clear the way it’s clear that fish are edible
locomotion and ships
inedible journeys.
not as clear as H2O.
clear, as if the water (it) doesn’t multiply
with itself.
so clear, it’s as if water weren’t transcendence
but in fact substance.
so clear that the comparative value Jellyfish appears unclear.
and actually even
much clearer than
as if. 
By: Ron Winkler

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