
Romantic Poems about Life

Romantic Poems about Life

Singing, serenading,
Mesmerizing, and regaling.
You draw me into you
With those mysterious eyes.
Enchanting, enthralling,
Entangling, and haunting.
As you whisper a lullaby
With that honey-tongued voice.
Submitting, surrendering,
Succumbing, and subsuming.
So, I fall love-sick, beholden
To my one heart’s desire.
Drowning, desiring,
Smoldering, and aspiring.
And I die one million deaths
Just from the wanting of you.

Touched by An Angel

Touched by An Angel

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.
Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.
We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.

The journey of life

The journey of life

Walkin along the street,weary and down.
Unhappy at heart,my face had a frown.
The path was long,but i had to walk,
Lost in the world and no one to talk.
Suddenly there was a sound,
That was familiar to my ears
With an urge to hear it,
I had waited for years.
Seated on your bike,
You passed by my side.
My heart skipped a beat,
And I silently cried.
The time had stopped,
My eyes were wet.
Flashing came the thoughts,
Which i wanted to forget.
Two long years without your sight,
I had faced with all my might,
Oh God!!So long is this night,
And a battle so difficult to fight.
But never lose hopeis my belief,
Your thought is my greatest relief.
So true,a double edged knife,
Oh friend,that is the journey of life…….

I never get to say

I never get to say 

Happy Birthday” means much more
Than have a happy day.

Within these words lie lots of things
I never get to say.

It means I love you first of all,
Then thanks for all you do.

It means you mean a lot to me,
And that I’m proud of you.

But most of all, I guess it means
That I am thinking of you
on this very special day,
Happy Birthday.

You brighten all of my days

You brighten all of my days 

Teddy bears and seas of blue
Smiling in honor of you
An infant, not long ago
Now, one candle is aglow
You are growing up so fast
How quickly a year has passed
You are special, sweet, and wise
A present before our eyes.

For a year, I have watched you shine
An angel I can call mine
Sent from Heaven, just for me
Filled with hope and dignity
A blessing, now and always
You brighten all of my days
Precious child, I love you so
More than anyone could know.

Baby's breath and sun-filled skies
Ladybugs and lullabies
Starry nights and bright moonbeams
Tender hearts and lasting dreams
Each, a gift within your view
During this time, made for you
May only good things come your way
On this, your very first birthday

Do not feel down at your birthday

Do not feel down at your birthday

It is your birthday, so do not feel down;
Do not think bad stuff and frown;
Your life should be filled with mirth;
Just look what you have done since your birth.

You started out really small,
Now you are really filled out and tall.
In the beginning you would just cry,
Now you can laugh if you try.

You have done quite well since your start,
So as you grow older take heart;
Keep up the good work and do not be a jerk;

All these for our who is just year old

 All these for our who is just year old 

One candle for ……..Baby,
On her (his) birthday cake,
One love pat – a soft one,
One hug and one shake;
Then one kiss with love
That can never be told,
All these for our ………Baby
Who’s just ……. year old.

May the world rise to greet you

May the world rise to greet you

Happy Birthday, gentle friend
have a blessed day
May your heart be filled with wonders
as you travel on life’s way

I pray your day is filled with love
and joy of every kind
May the world rise to greet you
I hope these things you find

Joy, peace and happiness
contentment in your heart
May u find all these spirit fruits
the ones that you impart